Thursday, September 16, 2010


SrImanmadhvamatE hariH parataraH satyam jagat,tatvatO
BEdO, jIvaganA, harEranucarAH, nIcOccBAvaM gatAH,
muktirnaijasuKAnuBUtir, amalA
BaktiSca tatsAdhanaM
hyakShAdi triyam pramANam,
aKilAmanaikavedyO hariH
(Transliteration with Baraha software)

Sriman Madhwamathe harih paratharah satyam jagath, tatvato

Bhedho, jeevagana hareranucharaha, neechchochabhaavam gathah,

Mukthir naijasukhaanubhoothir, amaalaa

Bhakthischa thathsaadhanam,

Hyakshaadhitriyam pramaanam,

Akhilaamnaikavedhyo harih

The above Prameya Sloka by Sri Vyasa Tirtha (1460-1539 AD) lays down the important tenets of the Madhva Philosophy as follows.

1 Sri Hari (Vishnu) is supreme.
2 The universe is real.
3 So also, the various differences are real.
4 The different classes of jeevas (selves or animate beings) are dependents of Sri Hari.
5 And they have higher or lower grades among themselves.
6 Mukti (Salvation) consists in the jeeva experiencing its own innate joy.
7 That is only achieved through Bhakti (flawless intense devotion) to the Supreme God.
8 The three Pramaanaas (proofs for correct knowledge) are Pratyaksham (sensory perception), Anumaanam (inference) and Aagamam (holy tradition).
9 Correct knowledge of Sri Hari can be acquired through all the Holy Scriptures and only through them.